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Good day people of God!
I’m glad to introduce to you the NaijaChurchTrends, a blog that will feature daily news updates and up-
to-date reports of events and activities in the Christian world (with special focus on Nigeria). Special
programmes, events and activities of your church will be given adequate media coverage if we’re
contacted – we’ll let the world know what you’re doing.
Profiles of some of our great church founders and leaders will be featured monthly. Pa S.G. Elton is
featured in this maiden edition. He is the father of the Pentecostal and Charismatic revival that we’re
experiencing in the country.
The blog also features a daily devotion tool - “The Glimpse of Glory!” - which you can visit daily for
your devotion and prayers. Inspired articles and materials are posted for devotion before you wake up
each morning – daily Bible readings, memory verses, comments, motivational tips and prayer points.
To be featured on the blog is a directory of churches and ministries. Some basic information on the listed
churches and ministries in Nigeria are displayed. Your church/ministry can be located by any visitor of
the blog. To be listed in the directory, call the following number for details: 08124275941.
The following will also be featured in the blog: book reviews, special interviews with men of God, free
downloads of special and rare books by various Christian authors, messages and articles by some of
God’s generals. An online bookstore is also available for inspirational materials that can be delivered at
your doorstep within 24 hours of completing your order.
And lots more!
But – remember that a man that does not advertise is like one winking in the dark. He knows what he is
doing, but no one else does. Let the world know what you are doing. We can give your programme a
media coverage that’s out of this world and the whole world will know about it!
Your comments and feedbacks are highly welcome.
Welcome to to NaijaChurchTrends. Be the First to Know everything happening in the Christian world!
For more info Call – 08124275941, 07036310992.
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Tony Akangoziri