By Apostle Anthony Anayo Akangoziri
It was like a miracle
the day the Holy Spirit opened my eyes and gave me a special understanding to
this truth. I used to think that some people are more favoured by God than
others. I used to think that some people have been destined to succeed while
others are not. I used to think that God has favourites.
Similarly, some people
that are suffering from diverse sicknesses or having various problems think that
they’re destined for such. They think that it’s God that has created them for and
destined them to a life of suffering.
Someone once said,
“There are people who are destined to failure and poverty, it doesn’t matter
how much they strive, they’re never going to succeed. They’ll never make it, no
matter what effort they make”.
This is not true! Anyone can succeed and anyone can fail; it all
depends on what they’re doing. When people follow success principles, they’ll succeed, but when they start doing things that lead to failure, they’ll fail.
A friend told the story
of two friends that went to a seer concerning their future. One was told that
he’ll be very rich while the other was told that he’ll never be rich. The first
one assumed that since he is destined to be rich he doesn’t have a choice. He
started loafing around and refused to engage in any serious business. His friend
left the location in pursuit of a good life. After some years of engaging in
meaningful business activities he became very rich. How would you explain that?
No one is destined to
be a failure in life. God didn’t ordain any one to fail. Anyone that does the
right thing in life will get good results while the wrong steps we take in life
will lead to failure.
God does not show
favouritism or discrimination in His dealings with man.
People who have
favourites in their families usually create so much problems in their homes.
This almost destroyed Isaac’s family. He had two sons, Esau and Jacob. His
favourite was Esau while Jacob was his wife’s favourite. We know the problem
this caused in their home.
Jacob followed the same
steps. Children always follow their parent’s steps! Jacob loved Rachael his
second wife more than Leah. He also loved the children of Rachael more than
others. Joseph was his favourite and this attracted hatred from his brothers.
Favouritism breeds
hatred, envy, jealousy and pride. God cannot allow any of this in His kingdom.
He wouldn’t do anything that will bring animosity and rancour in His family,
the church.
It doesn’t matter what
you think, God has no favourites and the scripture confirms this in more than
four places.
Mathew 18:6, “… in
the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established”.
Now let’s look at these
scriptures carefully:
Deuteronomy 10:17, “God
regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward”.
2Chronicles 19:7,“For
there is no iniquity with the Lord our God; nor respect of persons nor taking
of gifts”.
Job34:19, “How
much less to him that accepteth not the persons of princes, nor regardeth the
rich more than the poor? For they are the work of his hands”.
Acts 10:34, “Then peter opened his mouth and said of a
truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons”.
Romans 2:11, “For
there is no respect of persons with God”.
Galatians 2:6, “God
accepted no man’s person”.
Ephesians 6:9, “Neither
is there respect of persons with him”.
The above six
scriptures stated in different forms that God has no favourites.
He has no favourites in
salvation, healing, and provisions.
In God’s kingdom there
is no racial superiority. Evidently, some nations may boast of certain
scientific and technological achievements while some may brag about their
military might economic, these are no indicators of any more favour with God
than other nations.
Romans 10:12-13, “For
there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over
all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name
of the shall be save”.
We’re all saved by
God’s grace. If anyone goes to hell it’s his choice. This doesn’t mean that the
person in heaven is more favoured.
Everyone has equal
opportunity to be saved. Christ died for all.
John 3:16, “For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
God loves the world.
He loves humanity –
equally! “For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the
same Lord over all is RICH UNTO ALL that call upon him” (Rom. 10:12).
The early saints did
not understand it that way. Though they were all believers, the Jews thought
that they had more favour with God until this truth dawned on Peter: “Then
Peter opened his mouth and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter
of persons. But in every nation, he that feareth and worketh righteousness is
accepted with him” (Acts 10:34-35).
His concept and
thinking were changed when he discovered that God has no favourites. He
discovered that what was available to the Jews was equally available to the
Gentiles. He therefore acknowledged that God treats everyone the same.
Someone said, “If God
wants to save me, he will do it”. He didn’t know that God has offered him
salvation. What he needed to do was to accept it.
It’s for anyone that
Some Christians always wish
that God would love them “as much as
he loved Brother Jones”. They think that God loves Jones more. They’d wish to
be as holy, healthy and successful as Brother Jones. Their thinking is very
wrong. I thought like that when I was a young believer. I even prayed that God
would love me as much as he loved certain people.
But as I continued
studying God’s word I realized that God’s will is to save everyone!
His will is to heal
He is not willing that
any should perish, but that all should be saved.
He is a just God
He is righteous
He is equitable
Man has always accused
Him of injustice; but He is just and has no respect of persons. He has no
I’ve seen and heard
people hurl cruel accusations against Him.
Someone questions, “Why
did he create man knowing that he’d fail?”
Another asked, “Why did
God create me knowing that I cannot be saved?”
Others complain, “If He
wants to save me, why has He not done so?”
Some interrogate, “Why
has he not healed me?”
People always ask, “Why
has he not done this or done that?” WHY? WHY? WHY?
All these questions
arise because of ignorance.
The riches of God’s
love extend to everyone! He has answered the human question. He has dealt with
the problem of man. He has satisfied the eternal heart-cry of mankind.
Don’t blame Him for
No one can accuse God
of anything. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
He has given us
exceeding great and previous promises through which we become partakers of His
own nature.
In Christ we have rich
and wonderful blessings. They are available to every man!
Romans 10:13, “For
whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be save”.
The Bible states clearly
that WHOEVER that calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. And that
WHOEVER that’s saved is entitled to the blessings of redemption. The word of
God affirms that “better things accompany salvation” (Hebrews 6:9).
There are over 40
things that happened in the believer when he was saved and most of us do not
know them. We don’t know that we have these blessings. When we see them in the
lives of others, we think that they have special favour with God. Yet we have
the same blessings.
We are all called of
God for the same purpose. We are all to be conformed to the image of Christ.
This is the purpose of God; that all his children will be like Christ, so that
he’ll be the first born among many brethren.
We all are his favourite
children. We have the same redemption.
Colossians 1:14, “In whom we have redemption through
his blood, even the forgiveness of sins”.
We have the same
1 Corinthians 1:30, “But
of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and
righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption”.
We have the same
ability to stand in the presence of the Father.
We have the same
ability to stand before the enemy or any situation as though it were Jesus
Himself standing.
We are all called of
the same God by the same means.
I don’t have any
special salvation from you, nor do you have a special one from me; we are
called through the same gospel.
We all have a divine
acceptance in the beloved. You don’t have any more peace with God than I do. We
are reconciled by the same faith in Christ.
I have as much access
to God as you do. He is my Father as much as He is yours. We have equal rights
and privileges in Him.
If the sins of any
other believer were forgiven completely, mine also are forgiven. It is the same
blood that cleanses us from all sins.
We are baptized into
the same Christ and have the same eternal life. We are sealed with the same Spirit.
We are all delivered from
the authority of darkness.
Colossians 1:13 – 14, “Who
hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the
kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the
forgiveness of sins”.
That you’re not healthy
does not mean that you have any less deliverance the person enjoying divine
health. It may be that you haven’t known that you’ve been delivered, that Satan
does not have any more authority over you.
I don’t have more
rights in the kingdom of God than you, neither do you. We all have equal share of the Divine
The Father does not own
you more than He owns me. I am His as much as you are.
Healing belongs to me
as much as it does to you.
We are all healed by
his stripes (Isaiah 53:5). All of us!
We are all heirs of God
and joint-heirs with Christ. What belongs to Christ belongs to all of us.
My prayer is that God
will open the eyes of His children to begin to see these truths so that they’ll
begin to enjoy the benefits and blessings that accompany salvation.
He delights in us as His
children. He wants the best for us.
God loves you so much
even as an unsaved sinner. He wants you to be saved. So, what are you waiting
for? Salvation belongs to you as it does to all of God’s saints. You can be
saved now, right where you are. And you’ll begin to enjoy the riches of Christ.
Receive Jesus Christ into your life now as your Savior and Lord. Iinvite Jesus
into your life. Do it now!
Perhaps you are one of
those who wonder why there are financial inequalities in the world today. Some
people are having a field day financially while some are barely getting along
in life. You look at the former with envy, wishing to be as “favoured” as they are because you think
that God has some financial favourites.
Understand this fact:
God has no favourites even in financial matters.
His will is to bless us
3 John 2, “Beloved,
I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospereth”.
He has one wish and one
will for us - to prosper and be in good health.
It’s true that the
Bible warns us against covetousness and the love of money, but He wants to
bless us materially. He loves us!
We must be willing to
do what we’re expected to do in order to attract the blessings of God in our
lives. This is where we get confused. God has done what he should for us to
enjoy his blessings. How much we enjoy this blessing now depends on what we do
or what we don’t do.
First, you must believe
God for them. We must trust God for finances.
The problem with many
of us is that we want to prosper but we are not willing to follow God’s
Second, you must be a
giver. The surest way to financial prosperity is giving. In fact you can rarely
see where prosperity is mentioned in the Bible without giving. Search the
Bible, and you’ll find out yourself.
Most people do not want
to hear about giving, but receiving. But it doesn’t work that way. Many are
flirting from one church to another to curb giving. They don’t want to be
committed to the place and pay their tithes and give their offerings, support
projects and outreaches. And they wonder why they’re having it rough
financially. Some people have developed such bold face when money issues are
discussed. They simply switch off their
mental switch that no matter how earnestly one appeals for funds, they won’t
even move a farthing. And these are the ones that pray the most, binding the
spirit of poverty and “killing” the witches and the “strong man” in their
father’s houses” that are stopping them from getting rich. They go to every
mountain and hill to break the “ancestral curse” of poverty.
Let’s not be fooling
ourselves, we cannot mock God. He said that every man must surely reap whatever
he has sown.
It’s a pity that when
such people see their brethren or friends enjoying the blessings of God; when
they see them prosper, they think that God is showing them more love. They’ll
begin to blame God. They forget that they shut the windows of heaven against
The recipe for
receiving is still giving and the basic formula of prosperity is generosity.
Jesus said, “Give
and it shall be given unto you” (Lk. 6:38)
Prov.11:25, ”The liberal
soul shall be made fat”.
Philippians 4:19, “But
my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ
We always take this
scripture out of its setting. We quote it out of context. If you read the
preceding verses, you’ll discover that they talk about giving. Giving first, and then, receiving! Paul saw it
as a communication, a two-way communication. When the receiving end ceases,
then check the giving end.
I know someone who had
tremendous financial success, but presently has dropped considerably. Why? He
was liberal and generous. He helped many indigent folks in his community. He
assisted some in their education and others in various trades and vocations. He
was at the top among all his colleagues. Someone advised him to be wise and
start keeping the money he spends on the others. So, he decided not to help
people anymore; and he began to go down. As he began to fall, he turned to be
bitter, critical and resentful.
Therefore, my Christian
friend, don’t blame God. He’s not the cause of the problem. Look back and
discover where you missed it. Find out where you broke the link and re-join it;
and the blessing will begin to flow again.
Stop running away from
responsibilities. Share in the responsibilities and blessings of your church
with other members. Don’t disappear when there’s a need only to appear when the
problem is over. Stop fooling yourself. Don’t shut the door of God’s blessing
against yourself.
God wants you to be
blessed materially. When you sow, God is committed to give the increase. He
will increase nothing when nothing is sown. If you add nothing to nothing and
multiply it by nothing, no matter the method you use, you’ll still get nothing.
When you’re not ready
to act on God’s word, you may claim all the promises until the mouth bends and
the tongue sticks out; nothing will work. When it happens this way, don’t think
that God loves you less. NO!
Then you complain, “I
know that this Brother really has more”.
That may be true.
Definitely, all of us are not on the same level financially, and may never be.
That one is living below his privileges does not imply that he’s not privileged.
He might be ignorant of them, or may not know how to take advantage of them, and
that may be responsible for his lack.
Paul prayed for the
church at Ephesus, and for all of us, that the eyes of our understanding should
be enlightened (Ephesians 1:16-19). We need to pray like that always because
that’s what makes the difference sometimes.
Someone may have more understanding
of Divine truths than you. He may have more light or revelation than you. And,
as he walks in the light of what he knows, he may be enjoying more of the
believers’ rights and privileges than you. This however, does not mean that God
loves you less than him. You too can grow to that level if you so desire.
That’s God’s purpose for every Christian – to attain to the standard of Jesus
As you draw closer to Him
in love and fellowship, you’ll begin to have a clearer understanding of his promises;
you’ll begin to see clearer what you are in Him. You’ll begin to see your
privileges and how to enjoy them.
This is God’s intention
for every one of us
He treats everyone the
He extends his love to
everyone - even to sinners.
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Great teaching.