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By Apostle Anthony Anayo Akangoziri


From the book, Take it By Force Volume One, available on Amazon and in Nigeria from 08124275941 (sms only) and 08166356415 (Whatsapp) or

Therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, you backsliders (James


Test and evaluate yourselves to see whether you are in the faith and living your lives as believers. Examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves (by ongoing experiences) that Jesus Christ is in you, unless indeed you fail the test…” (2 Cor. 3:15)

That God performs miracles is a fact that almost everyone believes. We also believe that miracles are received by faith. But we should understand that miracles are worked for. We must work for our deliverance. We are to submit to God by doing whatever He tells us to do. We must be willing to obey Him. The Bible says, “Do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5).

Spiritual Check!

Who needs deliverance? This is the question many Christians are interested in knowing the answer. To some of every other person needs deliverance except them. Let’s run through this check list carefully to see if you need deliverance.

1. As an old person do you see yourself as a young person in your dream?

2. Do you see yourself going to school (perhaps primary school) in your dream?

3. Do you see yourself living in your old thatched house in your dream?

4. Do you see yourself playing with your old school mates in your dream?

5. As a married person, do you see yourself getting married in your dream?

6. Do you see yourself naked or walking bare-footed in your dream?

7. Do you see yourself wearing ragged or tattered dresses in your dream?

8. Do you see yourself having babies in your dream?

9. Do you see yourself having sex in your dream?

10. Do you see yourself living with a different person from your spouse in your dream?

11. Do you see yourself swimming in your dream?

12. Do you see yourself flying in your dreams?

13. Do you see yourself pursued by unknown persons in your dream?

14. Do you see yourself shot in your dream?

15. Do you see yourself arrested by men in uniform in your dream?

16. Do you seeyourself locked up in prison in your dream?

17. Do you see yourself lost or looking for direction in your dream?

18. Dou you see yourself writing exams or attending interviews in your dream?

19. Do you see yourself accused or facing trial in your dream?

20. Do you see yourself lost in the forest in your dream?

21. Do you see yourself crying in your dream?

23. Do you see yourself admitted in the hospital in your dream?

24. Do you see yourself pursued by dogs or animals in your dream?

25. Do you see yourself pursued or bitten by snakes in your dream?

26. Do you see masquerades pursuing you in your dream?

27. Do you see yourself selling odd things in the market or by the roadside in your dream?

28. Do you see yourself serving your old master or mistress in your dream?

29. Do you see yourself climbing a hill in your dream?

30. Do you see yourself roaming in the cemetery in your dream?

31. Do you see yourself fighting with strange creatures in your dream?

32. Do you see yourself falling from a height in your dream?

33. Do you see yourself begging in your dream?

34. Do you see yourself drenched in the rain in your dream?

35. Do you always experience nightmares in your dreams?

Personal Experiences

1. Are you always sick or sickly?

2. Are you suffering from un-diagnosable and mysterious sickness?

3. Do you have regular miscarriages or still births?

4. Do you bed-wet as a teenager or adult?

5. Do you always fall into adultery or fornication even when you don’t want to?

6. As an unmarried young girl, do you always have older and married men as suitors?

7. Are you a victim of repeated rape?

8. Are you always jilted or do you experience repeated breaking of engagement?

9. Are you always quarreling or fighting with your spouse even over minor issues?

10. Do you always have near-success experiences?

11. Are you over-due for marriage or afraid of marriage?

12. Are you experiencing stagnation in your office or business?

13. Do you experience delays in everything you do?

14. Are you entangled in any habit you are unable to break, such as, drinking, smoking, prostitution, doping, stealing, etc?

15. Do you engage in unnatural sexual activities, such as, homosexuality, lesbianism, masturbation, incest, artificial stimulation, bestiality, etc?

16. Do engage in pornography?

17. Do always see yourself not completing projects that you start due to some inexplicable circumstances?

18. Are you involved in occult practices or any cultic religion?

19. Have you participated in any ritualistic or group sex?

21. Have you been initiated into any society or cult?

22. Do you have any incision on your body?

23. Does your family experience strange or premature death?

24. Do you always have financial problems in spite of a good salary or lucrative business?

25. Do you always feel like committing suicide or killing someone?

26. Do you always feel like abandoning your matrimonial home?

27. Do you always feel like quitting your job?

28. Do you always experience betrayal, neglect or abandonment from those you help or assist?

29. Are you always in debts?

30. Did your wealth or fortune vanish under mysterious circumstances?

31. Do you see yourself withdrawing from sex from your spouse or not having any sexual feeling for him or her but are aroused outside?

32. Were you a member of a spiritual prayer house or pseudo-Christian church?

33. Have you participated or do you participate in any communal idolatrous ceremony?

34. Do you see yourself getting out your body to attend some meeting?


1.      Praise and worship.

2.      Confess your sins and that of your ancestors and turn from them sincerely.

Pray for forgiveness and repent from every known sin. Correct every issue in your life. Forgive those that you have anything against. Clean up your life and ask for God’s mercy. Pray the confessional prayer in Daniel 9:4-19.

Remember that Satan cannot cast out Satan. So, if deliverance prayer will be effective, you must renounce the devil and anything you have with him. Renounce him and all his works.

3.      Locate scriptures that deal on deliverance and those that cover your cases. Read them out and confess them.

4.      Plead the blood of Jesus over your life and environment.

5.      Ask for the presence and leading of the Holy Spirit and the release of His angels for battle.

6.      Engage in warfare prayers. (I believe you have gone through the check list. Begin to attack any issue that affects you). The prayer points in the book are not exhaustive. Include other prayers that the Holy Spirit inspires you to pray.  

There may other experiences not listed in the checklist, attack them with prayers also.

Bind the spirit behind the problem whether listed or not. Pray as if your life depends on it. Well, it could! Repeat any prayer point that you are having heaviness in your heart until you feel relieved.

7.      Take a deep breath and observe a moment of silence after an assault. Two things happen during this period. First, any residual spirit is given time to evacuate; and, second, the Holy Spirit can minister to you on what next to do.

8.      Appreciate God for answered prayers and close with praise.

9.      Do whatever the Holy Spirit leads you to do while praying without delay. You may need to reconcile with someone, ask for forgiveness from someone, give an offering, break a relationship, forgive someone, etc.

Keep away from all sins. Sin opens the door for the devil and those who seek deliverance and are still living in sin are deceiving themselves.

In order to obtain maximum results, I suggest you choose any of the following prayer schedule listed below. Follow it consistently and you’ll be surprised how things will turn around in your life and family.

1.      7 days fasting. 6 am – 6 pm. Pray 3 times daily: 5 am - 6 am; 6 pm – 7 pm; 12 midnight - 2 am 

2.      3 days dry fasting with water only. Pray at 5 am, 12 pm, 6 pm and12 midnight.

3.      21 days fasting. 6 am – 6 pm. Pray 4 times daily: 5 am, 1 pm, 6 pm and 12 midnight.

4.      30 days night fasting. Let your last meal be before 4 pm. Pray at 5 am, 6 pm and 12 midnight.

5.      7 days vigil from 11 pm – 2 am.

6.      21 days vigil from 12 midnight –3 am.

7.      30  days vigil from 12 midnight to 2 am.

Here are some suggested prayer points:

1.      Every evil alter speaking against me in my family, be broken and scatter by fire in Jesus’ name.


2.      I break every generational curse on both sides of my family affecting my life negatively, in the name of Jesus.


3.      I break and release myself from the curses, spells, charms, enchantments, bewitchments or jinxes on my family, in the name of Jesus.


4.      Let the stronghold of every strongman in my family scatter by fire today in Jesus’ name.


5.      O Lord, let every satanic stronghold in my family manipulating my destiny shatter and scatter by fire today in the name of Jesus.


6.      I take authority over every curse upon my life and I revoke them, in Jesus’ name.


7.      Every curse placed upon both sides of my family by any witchdoctor, be nullified today in the name of Jesus.


8.      I command every curse inherited from my family, from my father’s side or my mother’s side, to be revoked and nullified now, in Jesus’ name.


9.      I release every member of my family from every generational curse, in the name of Jesus.


10.  Every ancient alter upon which my destiny was sacrificed; catch fire and burn to ashes now, in Jesus’ name.


11.  I command every evil spirit behind every curse in my family to be bound forever, in Jesus’ name.


12.  Let every curse of failure operating in my life be broken today, in Jesus’ name.


13.  Let every curse of ‘near-success’ and ‘almost-made-it’ operating in my life be broken today, in the name of Jesus.


14.  Let every curse of joblessness operating in my life be broken today in the name of Jesus.


15.  Let every curse of late marriage operating in my life be broken today, in the name of Jesus.


16.  Let every curse of childlessness operating in my life be broken today, in the name of Jesus.


17.  Let the curse of premature death operating in my family be broken today, in Jesus’ name.


18.  Let the curse of accidents operating in my family be broken today, in Jesus’ name.


19.  Let the curse of family problems and broken home operating in my family be broken today in Jesus’ name.


20.   Let the curse of inexplicable losses operating in my life be broken now, in the name of Jesus.


21.  Let every curse of stagnation operating in my life be broken today in Jesus’ name.


22.  Let every curse placed on the children to bring pains and sorrows to the parents be broken and nullified today in Jesus’ name.


23.  Let the curse of sicknesses and diseases operating in my life be broken and nullified today in Jesus’ name.


24.  Let every curse emanating from any agreement or covenant made by my parents with any satanic agent affecting my life negatively be nullified today in Jesus’ name.


25.  By the blood of Jesus I revoke every ground on which the enemy stands to enforce any curse upon my life, in Jesus’ name.


26.   Let every family shrine from where matters concerning my destiny are decided catch fire today and burn, in the name of Jesus.


27.  Let every ancestral covenant made on my behalf that the devil is enforcing to oppress me be destroyed today in the name of Jesus.


28.   I release fire into the root of every problem that has been following me from birth, burn to ashes today in Jesus’ name.


29.  Let the fire of the Holy Ghost go into the foundation my life and consume every evil deposit in Jesus’ name.


30.  By the blood of Jesus I nullify anything done by my parents affecting my life negatively, in the name of Jesus.


31.   Let every demon manipulating my foundation be destroyed today in the name of Jesus.


32.  Let every agreement reached by my parents with any evil spirit before my birth be broken and nullified today in Jesus’ name.


33.  I release myself from every inherited bondage, and I separate myself from the grip of any problem transferred into my life from the womb, in Jesus’ name.


34.  Whatever that was done on my behalf by anyone that gave any evil spirit right over my life, I renounce and destroy them today and withdraw such rights in Jesus’ name.


35.  Today I renounce and loose myself from all curses, jinxes, spells, bewitchments, psychic phenomena and witchcrafts and I break their hold on my life, in Jesus’ name.


36.  I command every curse emanating from ( evil dedication, association, ancestral sins, evil witchdoctors, involvement with the occult, eating cursed food, immoral activities, sacrilege, incest, oaths, etc.) operating in my life to be nullified by the blood of Jesus.


37.  Let every curse working against my destiny either from my father’s side or my mother’s side be broken today, in Jesus’ name.



38.  Let every curse working against my marriage from my father’s, mother’s side, my wife/husband side, or from my former lover be revoked today in Jesus’ name.


39.  Let every curse working in my marital life from those I disappointed in marriage be revoked today in Jesus’ name.


40.  Let every curse in my life from those I oppressed be nullified today in Jesus’ name.


41.  Let every curse working against my finances from those I cheated or defrauded be nullified today in the name of Jesus.


42.  O Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me of every improper conduct that legalized any curse in my life in the name of Jesus.


43.  Every curse working against my health because of any abuse of my body, be broken today in Jesus’ name.


44.  Let every curse of retrogression and backwardness working against my life because I stopped someone from moving forward be nullified in Jesus’ name. O Lord, have mercy on me and deliver me.

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