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Culled from the book, 25 Reasons Why Every Christian Must Prosper

 By Anthony A. Akangoziri

Available at Amazon and other online bookstores.

There are certain beliefs, ideas and dominant thoughts that hinder people from venturing into the world of prosperity. Some people are crippled by certain negative thoughts that have been programmed in their mind over the years. They unconsciously believe that things are meant to remain for them as it has always been in their family and that there’s nothing anybody can do about them. These are the things I call mental blocks.

If one has a mental block about something, he unconsciously believes that he cannot do anything about it. Something in his mind prevents him from believing in the possibility of doing something about it.


We must get rid of certain mental blocks in order to prosper in life, and there are many of them.

Prov.23:7 says: “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he”.

We must develop a positive mental attitude towards wealth. It’s obvious that before one becomes wealthy in the physical, he has already become that in the mind. Physical wealth is a manifestation of what we have already become. If there’s poverty in one’s mind, he can never be rich. Mental blocks are disempowering beliefs built over a period of time in our sub-conscious mind, that certain things are not achievable because of certain factors beyond our control.

Mental blocks are self-limiting beliefs that stop us from venturing into unknown possibilities. In other words, they’re the imaginary giants that prevent us from entering into our land that is flowing with milk and honey.

Mental blocks are a set of beliefs that prevents us from utilizing our inherent abilities or capabilities.

It’s important to note that before we can achieve any meaningful success or prosperity in this life, we must get rid of them. This is where the real battle is, and if we can win the battle of the mind, then we have won the battle of life.

Get rid of the following mental blocks if you want to prosper:

“Money is Evil”

Is money evil? No! It is the love of money that leads to evil. Obviously, one may love money without having a dime (Read I Tim. 6:10).

“My Family Has Always Been Poor

You may be right! But that’s the way they’ve always thought and spoken, and it’s not possible to expect a different result. What you believe and frequently affirm has a way of becoming a reality. This is the law of attraction. God saved you to break away from whatever has been holding people down in your family including poverty.

“Nobody Has Ever made it in my Family”

You are a different person, so think differently, talk differently and you’ll have different results. Decide to be the first person to make it your family.

“There’s Nothing I Can Do”

You can do something. In fact you’re doing something as you’re reading this book and you can still do something more. One thing you will do is to discard this mental block and you’ll see clearly what next to do.

“There’s No One to Help Me”

This is one of the commonest excuses we hear every day. When you think enough, help will come. Moreover, what greater help do you expect besides God who has promised to help you? He said,  “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will hold you with my righteous right hand” (Isa. 41:10).

Your help comes from God and not from man. However, when your trust is in Him, He can send any man to help you.

“Everybody Cannot be Rich”

It’s true! But who is everybody? It’s only after you’ve convinced yourself that you cannot be rich that the matter becomes so bad. The “everybody” can be anybody; but definitely, not you. When you read and believe God’s word, you’ll discover that you are different from “everybody”.

Therefore, stop saying that you’re not destined to be rich. Oh! I’ve heard that over and over! But when such people eventually made it I asked them, “But you are not destined to be rich, how come?” They’d grin and say, “Pastor, you may not understand”. I understand very well. It is a matter of attitude – mental attitude. Change your thoughts and your world will change.

“Witches Are After my Life”

If witches were strong enough to stop you from being saved; they cannot stop you from being rich! I decree, “Let every power that is holding you down fail in Jesus’ Name”.

Often times, our greatest enemies, and the ones we need to fight daily, are within. One of such enemies is our thought pattern. However, I’m not ruling out the activities of witches, but I’m saying that they’re not strong enough to hold you down (Read I Jn.4:4).


The major problem we have in this part of the world is that we don’t always want to take responsibility for whatever happens to us. We always believe that the causes of our failures and frustrations are witches and wizards; and some “prophets” are always available to convince us that some ancestral spirits in our father’s house are responsible for our problems. We have been made to see every uncle as a household enemy that is responsible for our failure and, as a result, are subjected to all manner of fasting and “spiritual works”. But we must be willing take full responsibility for how we live in order to succeed in life.

In success and prosperity, our actions and inactions matter so much. We must shift the blame to ourselves from the enemies that may not exist after all. There are things you have to get out of your life, and there are virtues you have to imbibe into your life. The plain truth is that there are certain things you are doing now, and if you keep doing them, you’ll never experience genuine prosperity. Similarly, there are certain things you must do, and if you don’t do them, you’ll never prosper no matter how much of fasting and deliverance you engage in, period! Maybe no one has spoken to you like this before, stop playing the blame game.



Your entire world swings around your thoughts. Whatever you habitually think of has the tendency to become a reality. Negative mental attitude repels success. It repels wealth and achievement. It is a repellant!

On the other hand, positive mental attitude attracts. It attracts success, wealth and other good things. So change your thoughts and your world is changed.

Understand this: the power to think is one of the greatest faculties in man, so use it profitably.

Life is not determined mainly by outward circumstances, but by the thoughts we habitually engage the mind

You create your world by your thought. Your life is what your thoughts make of it.

The state of your mind determines the state of your life. Positive mental attitude is the pace-setter for all achievements. Every failure, frustration and non-achievements are traceable to our thoughts-our mental attitude.

We need to practice what I call mental regulation. This is keeping our thought processes in good condition because all the paraphernalia needed to build our life and careers are processed therein. Regulate your mind and thoughts and begin to see things optimistically. Real optimism is being aware of problems but recognizing that there are solutions in God. It recognizes difficulties but believes that they can be overcome. It sees the negative but accentuates the positive. It expects the best from the worst situation.

Remember this: things are always different when you think differently. Since your mental attitude has a direct bearing on your performance and achievement, it must be based on sound input. Always identify yourself with a successful and prosperous image.

In the following chapters, we’ll see twenty-five reasons why every Christian must prosper. But before then, I’ll like you to pray these prayers seriously:

1.      1. O Lord, I thank you for your plan for my life. I thank you for creating me in the midst of plenty.

2.      2. O Lord, open my eyes and give me understanding to this fact in Jesus’ name

3.      3. Every mental block that has clogged my mind, receive fire now and be flushed by the blood of Jesus.

4.     4.  I move out from where the enemy has kept me to where God has purposed for me in Jesus’ 

5.     5.  Every power that does not want my situation to change for good, be disgraced now in Jesus’ name.

6.     6. Let every satanic hindrance to my prosperity be destroyed now in Jesus’ name

7.      7. I release the fire of the Holy Ghost to scatter every evil alter attacking my prosperity in Jesus’ name.

8.      8. Every foundation of poverty in my family, be destroyed now in the name of Jesus.

9.      9. Every evil power in my father’s house delaying my breakthrough and prosperity, be destroyed in Jesus’ name. 

10.  10. Poverty shall not be my identity. I resist every manifestation of poverty in my life in Jesus’ name .

11. 11.  Every generational curse of poverty in my family, I am not your candidate, I revoke you by the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name 

12.  12. Agents of poverty surrounding my life, disappear now in the name of Jesus 

13.  13. Let every power that blocks my opportunities to make money and become rich be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

14.  14. Any power blocking my opportunities to become great in life, be destroyed in Jesus’ name.

15.  15. Every power assigned to frustrate my business, be destroyed today in Jesus’ name.

 For copies, booking or other information contact Apostle Anthony Akangoziri on: or call 08166356415

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